An image with the mobile app design
UX/UI Design
Project Name: Curate

Curate, Bring the Gallery Home.

Mission Statement:
We are committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community where creativity flourishes, and artistic appreciation knows no boundaries. Our platform aims to create a mutually beneficial ecosystem that supports artists in their creative journey and allows renters to explore and embrace art in their daily lives without the burden of ownership. With a user-friendly interface and innovative features, we are dedicated to delivering an unparalleled art rental experience, facilitating hassle-free transactions, and ensuring the utmost satisfaction of both artists and renters. By fostering a sustainable approach to art consumption, we also aim to reduce environmental impact and contribute positively to the art ecosystem. Ultimately, we envision Curate as a catalyst, bridging the gap between artists and art enthusiasts worldwide, and transforming the way art is accessed, appreciated, and celebrated in the modern world.

1. Artists wanting to show their work outside of a gallery setting and getting it in front of the public.

2. Art enthusiasts and professional setting wanting to change their environment with new works of art without having to buy costly artwork.

Allows users to explore and rent artworks for a limited period. The application aims to connect art enthusiasts, realtors, hotels, hospitals, offices, airports, restaurants, and conference centers with artists, providing a seamless and enjoyable experience for both parties.

User Research:
Conduct interviews, surveys, and market research to gain insights into the target audience's preferences, pain points, and motivations. The research indicates that our primary user groups are: 1. Art Lovers: People passionate about art, who want to experience different styles and rotate artwork in their living or working spaces without having to buy expensive outwork. 2. Artists and Galleries: Creatives looking for a platform to showcase and rent their artwork to a broader audience.

Prototypeing and User Testing:
Using the insights gained from the research, feature definition, and user flows, a high-fidelity prototype is developed. The prototype is tested with a group of users, including art lovers and artists, to collect feedback and identify areas of improvement.

Based on the user feedback, the prototype is iterated and refined, focusing on enhancing usability, visual appeal, and overall user experience. The final design is prepared, incorporating all the features and improvements identified during the testing phase.

We created a well-rounded approach to designing an art rental application that caters to the needs of both art enthusiasts and artists. By following the user-centered design process, the application aims to provide an enjoyable and seamless experience, promoting art appreciation and exploration.